Visoth Kakvei - sketching. 3D detail art.
Artysta z Kambodży - Visoth
Kakvei mistrzowsko skupia się na symbolach i stylu, a żaden szkicownik nie ma
wystarczająco wielu stron dla jego kreatywności.
27-letni projektant grafiki zazwyczaj szkicuje odręcznie, a zajmuje mu to od 3 do 6 godzin, ale czasami Kakvei uważa, że to jeszcze nie wystarcza. Jego niesamowicie skomplikowane ilustracje przypominające labirynt, aby były jeszcze bardziej oszałamiające, są czasami poprawiane cyfrowo i wyglądają jakby "wyskakiwały" z kartek.
Więcej / More: Instagram - Visoth Kakvei
Cambodian artist Visoth Kakvei masterfully brings together symbolism and style, and no sketchbook has enough pages for his creativity.
The 27-year-old graphic designer usually draws his works freehand and the pieces take 3-6 hours to finish, but sometimes Kakvei feels it's not enough. So, to make his incredibly intricate maze-like illustrations even more stunning, the artist digitally enhances them, making the doodles appear as if they're popping out from the pages.
The 27-year-old graphic designer usually draws his works freehand and the pieces take 3-6 hours to finish, but sometimes Kakvei feels it's not enough. So, to make his incredibly intricate maze-like illustrations even more stunning, the artist digitally enhances them, making the doodles appear as if they're popping out from the pages.
Warto zobaczyć / See also: Lynn i Tony Everett.
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