niedziela, 5 listopada 2017

Ray Wilson i Jaclyn - ojciec i córka z pasją do fotografii.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson i jego córka Jaclyn pochodzą ze Szkocji.

Ich wielką pasją jest fotografia. Mówią o sobie: "ojciec i córka, którzy fotografują dosłownie wszystko". Muszę dodać, że robią to cholernie dobrze.
Szkocki team ojciec-córka podróżują po całej Wielkiej Brytanii i starają się uchwycić na zdjęciach momenty zapierające dech w piersiach.
"To nie jest łatwe, ale sprawia nam wielką frajdę. Czasami musisz wykazać się wielką cierpliwością" - powiedział Ray Wilson.

Zaczęło się od tego, że 8 letnia wówczas córka pomagała ojcu rozwijać slajdy ... robi to po dzień dzisiejszy.

Ray Wilson and his daughter Jaclyn come from Scotland. 
Their passion is photography. They describe themselves as : "a father and daughter who photograph everything and anything". I have to say - they do it damn good.
Scottish daughter-father team travel all around United Kingdom and catch the breathtaking moments.
"It's not easy but a lot of fun. Sometimes you have to be very patient" - said Ray Wilson.

Early days - film photography daughter at 8 years ols helped father develop slide ... continued from there.

Więcej zdjęć poniżej / See more pictures below

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

Ray Wilson and Jaclyn - a father and daughter and their big passion for photography.

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